Innovative Cancer Treatment Through Targeted Bacterial Vaccines

Bacterial vaccines offer a promising solution by targeting specific pathogens without harming the broader microbiome. However, researchers wrote on August 30, 2024, that developing effective bacterial vaccines is challenging due to the weak immunogenicity of major bacterial antigens.
This emerging antibacterial nanovaccine delivers enhanced chemotherapy by selectively eliminating tumor-colonizing bacteria.
In Science Bulletin, Volume 69, Issue 16, these researchers commented that although adjuvants can enhance the humoral response, effective vaccines require robust activation of the antigen-specific cellular response to eliminate intracellular pathogens.
Hence, there is a strong desire for an antibacterial vaccine capable of eliciting robust immune responses to eradicate F. nucleatum while selectively preserving other microbiota.
To address these challenges, a research team led by Professor Qian Chen from Soochow University (Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials, FUNSOM) proposed a novel bacterial vaccine (LipoFM-CPG) by inserting cholesterol-modified agonist CpG into F.nucleatum derived membranes.
Compared with traditional emulsions with inactivated bacteria and Alum adjuvant, LipoFM-CPG co-delivers antigens and adjuvants, significantly enhancing dendritic cell maturation and antigen presentation.
This stimulation leads to robust antibacterial cellular and humoral immune responses.
The nanovaccine has demonstrated the ability to selectively and efficiently eradicate F. nucleatum, enhancing chemotherapy efficacy and reducing cancer metastasis in F. nucleatum-infected CRC.
Notably, compared to systemic or oral antibiotics, the nanovaccine has a negligible impact on the intratumoral and gut microbiota.
This nanovaccine, with a simple manufacturing process, strong immunogenicity, and desired biocompatibility, should be a promising technology for selectively eliminating intratumoral bacteria and improving the therapeutic effect in bacteria-infected cancer.
Overall, this work represents the rational application of bacterial nanovaccine and provides a blueprint for future development in enhancing the antitumor effect against bacterial-infected cancer.
The study's authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. The National Research Programs of China partially supported this article.
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