Measles Vaccinations Are ‘Each Parent’s Responsibility’

Measles virus travels through the air on planes, trains, and buses
train station
Samoa (Vax-Before-Travel)

A team of Israeli doctors and nurses from Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer returned from the Pacific Island of Samoa, and are calling on Israel to “wake up” and ensure that its population understands that vaccinations are one of the most important determinants of population health.

According to The Jerusalem Post report on December 26, 2019, “People have to realize that when they decide not to vaccinate their child, they are endangering not just their child, but the whole community,” said Prof. Elhanan Bar-On, director of the Israel Center for Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Response at Sheba. 

“One child infects another 10 who each infect another 10 – that is how an epidemic starts.”

This life-saving message is being communicated around the world.

During June 2019, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a worldwide Level 1 Travel Alert regarding the resurgence of the measles virus.

The CDC says ‘there are many countries where measles spreads routinely; some of them may have more measles cases than countries experiencing outbreaks.’

Since June, various countries have reported measles outbreaks, including the Pacific Island countries of Samoa and Fiji. 

Even the country of Greece lost its measles elimination status in 2019. 

Furthermore, many of these measles outbreaks can be traced back to ‘international travelers’ bringing this infectious disease home with them, such as the New York outbreak during 2018-2019.

And, recently in London, England. 

This CDC Travel Alert says ‘before you travel internationally, regardless of where you are going, make sure you are protected fully against measles. 

‘Airports and public transportation are crowded places where measles can easily spread. Measles is a disease that spreads from person to person by breathing, coughing, or sneezing.’

‘It is critical, therefore, for all international travelers to be protected against measles, regardless of their destination.’

>>Check Your Measles Immunity<<

A recent study revealed an unsettling fact.

A Massachusetts General Hospital study published on December 9, 2019, found that despite recommendations from the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a large number of children traveling aboard are not protected from the measles virus ‘due to a clinician decision or guardian refusal.’

This Massachusetts General study is important since children represent less than 10 percent of international travelers departing the USA but account for about 47 percent of known measles importation cases.

‘If you are not sure, see your healthcare provider at least 1-month before your scheduled departure,’ says the CDC.

People can spread measles up to 4 days before and 4 days after they have a rash. Measles can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia and even death.

The ACIP recommends that children receive 2-doses of Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine doses as part of routine vaccination.

Measles vaccine travel news published by Vax-Before-Travel.


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