#HowIRecommend Vaccine Video Series Launched by CDC

Gardasil HPV vaccine can prevent a common virus that can lead to certain types of cancer later in life
kids looking at a video on a computer screen

If you’re looking for new ways to make an effective vaccine recommendation, or answer questions, check out these video playlists.

In support of National Immunization Awareness Month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched #HowIRecommend videos series on August 1, 2019, featuring healthcare professionals discussing how they recommend vaccines to different types of patients.

The #HowIRecommend video series features short, informative videos that explain the importance of vaccination, how to effectively address questions about vaccine safety and effectiveness, and how clinicians routinely recommend same-day vaccination to their patients.

The CDC videos also highlight the need for the entire staff of medical practice to become involved in supporting the importance of vaccination.

Featured in the CDC's video series is Pamela Rockwell, D.O., of Ann Arbor, Michigan, who said in a AAFP press release, "The video format for vaccine recommendations is helpful because, in a minute or less, family physicians can see and hear a strong vaccine recommendation delivered and hear the common physician responses given when confronted with patient vaccine hesitancy." 

Additionally, Dr. Rockwell told AAFP News, "Younger or more inexperienced physicians can review the videos to help them find words and phrases to use when recommending vaccines.

"If a patient refuses vaccination, I assure them first of vaccine safety and vaccine effectiveness, and I highlight possible adverse outcomes that may ensue if the patient succumbs to the disease the vaccine protects against," Dr. Rockwell said. 

"I personalize my recommendation for those who are hesitant by assuring patients that I have received all the vaccinations I recommend, as have my children and other family members."

After making a strong vaccine recommendation, Dr. Rockwell said, the best ways to increase vaccination rates is using a collaborative approach to address patient concerns by offering evidence-based information, education, and CDC references.

The CDC #HowIRecommend video playlists are sorted by topic at this website.

Additionally, CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, M.D., said in an August 8, 2019 press release, “Getting a flu shot this fall, frequent hand-washing, and staying active all contribute to a healthier and more productive academic year.”

“As a parent and grandparent, I know that back-to-school time is a busy time. Yet, I encourage parents and students to be mindful of some health essentials to add to your to-do lists,” said Dr. Redfield.

From newborns to college students, getting vaccinated can help protect children and teens as they grow into adulthood. Making sure their children get vaccinated is one of the most important things parents can do to protect the health of their child, says the CDC.

Vaccinations also protect a child’s classmates, friends, relatives, and others in the community. On-time vaccination protects kids before they are exposed to highly contagious and life-threatening diseases like measles, whooping cough, and chickenpox.

One of the newest vaccines available can prevent cancer. Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common virus that is spread through intimate skin-to-skin contact and can lead to certain types of cancer later in life. 

Making sure your 11 to 12-year-old child gets 2-doses of the Gardasil HPV vaccine can prevent these cancers, says the CDC. 

"The HPV vaccine is both extremely effective and extremely safe. The HPV virus, however, is responsible for virtually all cases of cervical cancer in the United States.  Universal acceptance of this vaccine would be a game-changer for the life, health, and fertility of countless Americans," explained Crockett Tidwell, RPh, CDE, Clinical Services Manager, Vaccine Specialist with United Supermarkets Pharmacy.

"With so much misinformation out there, it's our moral obligation as healthcare providers to help people weed through the fake news and protect themselves and the ones they love," continued Tidwell.

CDC has online resources and tools to help parents keep their kids up to date on recommended vaccinations. Additionally, states may require children to get vaccinated against certain diseases before their first day of school. 

Visit the Immunization Action Coalition’s State Information for more information.

And if your child has missed any vaccinations, a healthcare provider can use the catch-up immunization schedule to get them back on track. Make sure your kids get their vaccinations before the back-to-school rush!

The CDC says ‘student health is linked to academic achievement.’

Visit Parents for Healthy Schools for more information about how parents can play a powerful role in supporting their children’s learning and encouraging a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

Most vaccines can cause side effects which should be reported to a healthcare provider or the CDC.


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