Argentina Confirms 288 Zika Cases

While the Zika virus has been detected since 1947 and caused significant outbreaks in the Region of the Americas in 2015/2016, the Argentine Republic historically reported very few cases.
However, new data published by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicates a significant Zika outbreak is underway. As of February 27, 2025, Argentina has reported 288 Zika cases in 2025.
Last year, Argentina reported 564 Zika cases for the entire year.
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes transmit the Zika virus, the same ones that spread dengue and chikungunya, which are found throughout the Americas.
Argentina is the second-largest country in South America but is geographically close to Brazil, the unfortunate leader in Zika cases. In 2024, Brazil reported over 42,000 Zika cases.
In addition to Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru reported significant Zika cases in 2024. In the United States, Puerto Rico reported 16 Zika cases last year.
From a prevention perspective, most health agencies recommend avoiding being bitten by infected mosquitoes.
Argentina's health agency says pregnant women, women of reproductive age, or sexually active women should take extreme preventive and protective measures, as Zika infection during pregnancy is associated with severe birth defects.
Therefore, pregnant women should avoid traveling to areas where the Zika virus transmission is active.
Hopefully, an innovative Zika vaccine candidate (VLA1601) will soon complete clinical trials, offering an additional preventive option for international travelers.
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