Breaking News

Another Human Avian Influenza Case in China

October 18, 2021 • 5:06 pm CDT
(Vax-Before-Travel News)

The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health announced today it is closely monitoring a human case of avian influenza A(H5N6) in Mainland China and again urged the public to maintain strict personal food and environmental hygiene both locally and during travel.

The new influenza A case involves a 60-year-old woman living in Changde in Hunan Province. She is a farmer and had exposure to dead poultry.

She developed symptoms on October 3rd and was admitted for treatment on October 13th. The patient remains in critical condition.

"All novel influenza A infections, including H5N6, are notifiable infectious diseases in Hong Kong," a spokesman for the CHP said. Humans do not normally contract Avian flu viruses; however, human infections have occurred and are very lethal.

From 2014 to date, 48 human avian influenza A(H5N6) virus cases, including 25 deaths, have been reported in the WHO Western Pacific Region. The last three cases were reported from China in 2021, with onset dates of 23 August, 13 September, and 16 September.

Avian influenza (Bird Flu) is a Zoonotic disease caused by influenza type A viruses in animals. These viruses occur naturally among birds and domestic poultry. 

Whenever avian influenza viruses are circulating, there is a risk for sporadic infection and small clusters of human cases due to exposure to infected poultry or contaminated environments, says the U.S. CDC.

Therefore, sporadic human cases are not unexpected.

With a continued incidence of avian influenza due to existing and new influenza A(H5) viruses in poultry, there is a need to remain vigilant in the animal and public health sectors.

The annual 'flu shot' does not prevent zoonotic influenza infections, says the CDC.

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