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Patent Filed for Novel Universal Cancer Treatment Platform

August 27, 2024 • 8:40 am CDT
from Pixabay

CancerVax, Inc. announced today that the Company has recently filed a new patent application, which includes Smart mRNA Technology.

The Company’s new patent application describes a customizable nanoparticle containing Smart mRNA that can DETECT, MARK, and KILL only cancer cells.

By forcing cancer cells to “look” like well-immunized diseases such as measles or chickenpox, we intend to harness the body’s natural immunity to kill cancer cells effectively.

For example, anyone who has had chickenpox, or been vaccinated for chickenpox, has lifetime immunity to the disease. We intend to activate and harness this natural immunity to fight cancer.

Dr. Adam Grant, Principal Scientist at CancerVax and co-inventor of this new technology commented in a press release on August 27, 2024, “In the creation of this new technology, we have been using cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to identify genetic signatures that differentiate cancer cells from healthy cells."

"We can quickly load these signatures into our Smart mRNA for immediate lab testing. Not only does this speed up innovation, but it drastically reduces the current laborious and iterative drug discovery process. Only recently have the scientific tools and data been available to allow us to discover and innovate this technology."

"As a computational biologist by training, I have watched the advancement of drug delivery systems over the years, and the availability of next-generation sequencing data sets grow to the point where we can now design new and exciting drugs that we believe can change the game in cancer treatments.”

Dr. Grant continued, “Our natural immune system is an expert at identifying and eradicating foreign pathogens. When a pathogen is eliminated from the body, our immune system remembers it if it infects the body again."

"Our Universal Cancer Treatment Platform harnesses this extraordinary immune system capability by marking cancer cells with something the immune system already knows, such as measles. This way, the immune system can easily kill the cancer cells, just as it would with measles."

"In contrast to other cancer therapies, our technology employs the full power of the body’s immune system. It has the potential to turn “cold” tumors into “hot” tumors, overcoming a major hurdle in treating cancer patients with existing immunotherapies."

We look forward to validating our hypotheses using in-vivo models and refining our technology shortly.”

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